Welcome to the official website of Tonglu Youshi Medical Equipment Co., Ltd
操作器 503.005 内窥镜 Y5030 0° Φ4×302mm Y5033 30° Φ4×302mm Y5037 70° Φ4×302mm 镜鞘及闭孔器 503.004 F23 503.003 F21 503.002 F18.5 503.001 F16.5
YS503 NPJ-I type urethral cystoscope and supporting surgical instruments
Manipulator 503.005 Endoscope Y5030 0° Φ4×302mm Y5033 30° Φ4×302mm Y5037 70° Φ4×302mm Mirror sheath and obturator 503.004 F23 503.003 F21 503.002 F18.5 503.001 F16.5 Mirror sheath and obturator 503.004 F23 503.003 F21 503.002 F18.5 503.001 F16.5 Manipulator 503.005 Cleaning rod 503.011 Mirror bridge 503.010 Water inlet/outlet connector 202.011 Sealing cap 503.016 Bladder fistula 503.021 large 503.021.1 Small
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86-571 -64286222 (Export department)
FAX : 86-571-64278886

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